Started the hatching in the hair and plan to finish and add cross hatching under the chin next week. The ink is not coming smoothly off the pen I have been using which is fine for the hair, but I worry that it will not come together properly for fine lines that need to be controlled.
Today I finished painting the light bulbs and moved on to using a duller/warmer yellow around the edges of the yellow part of the sign. This was to make it less bright (It looked blinding before). I will finish the letters on that sign next week and will begin on the lower part of the sign.
The articles being compared are "Artists v. critics, round one," which describes the legal dispute between the artist James Whistler and the critic John Ruskin and "Arab Spring: Modern Middle eastern Art Finds a New Audience in the West," which discusses the different forms of art coming out of the Middle East, specifically modern art. In both of the readings the question of what defines modern art is inherent. Where the line of where something no longer becomes modern art is blurred like most art form.
"Artists v. critics, round one" is a detailed reporting of the law suit against John Ruskin by James Whistler. Ruskin, while critiquing Whistler's work, called him a "conman", claiming that what was created should not classify as modern art. Ruskin represented the idea of "high modernism", preferring "order, in meaning, in moral form". This begs the question what is modernism and what separates the two? The Oxford dictionary definition of modern art is "Art of a style marked by a significant departure from traditional styles and values, in particular that created between the late 19th and the late 20th centuries." By this definition the work of Whistler is certainly included. He used his are to experiment and explore his ideas and possible creations, which is the purpose of art. Another issue brought up in this article was the value that people assign to said art. Although the jury ruled that Whistler was correct, they did not grant him a large settlement. What value do people assign art, specifically the jury in this case? If the piece had been less modern and more with the status quo would they have assigned it and its artist more value. Artists value the knowledge the piece gives them in the creation, Whistler saying"I ask it for the knowledge of a lifetime" when asked about the price. However, those who did not get the experience of creating it will so easily undercut its value. "Arab Spring: Modern Middle eastern Art Finds a New Audience in the West" discussed the modern art being created out of the Middle East. Many people when approached about the Modern Middle Eastern art proclaimed that there is no such thing "They're just copying Picasso or Braque." The art of the Middle East has been held back for a long time, and artist are just now getting the chance to truly explore their ideas through it. This delay in the creation of art could have lead to the similar works being created. The artists are getting inspired by the artists who the western world have been exposed to for years, creating a time machine almost. They are rediscovering aspects of art and infusing it with their individual culture to create incredible work. Started my self portrait and the ink wash. I like the way the different sections of ink are bleeding into each other, but I am worried the rest won't blend in properly once it dries.
Finished the ink wash and started hatching. The hip is too dark and the hatching isn't as neat as I want it to be.
Molly O'Neal brought up many excellent points about finding a path in what ever you do in life, as well as helpful tips for design, in her speech to the Maggie Walker Art Lunch Time Lecture. Her advice on presenting yourself to those you meet is exceptionally useful in the world of art, as well as her advice to "love your art, but not too much." This idea is that inevitably, perhaps your employer, will shoot down a piece that you are passionate about. You should not only create art you do not love, but should keep in mind that it may not be as loved by others. I may implement her process of drawing something terrible, ugly, and that you hate in order to fuel better ideas when you are having drawer's block.